Rebeca Ortega

Rebeca Ortega – Flamenco danser fra Sevilia, Spanien. (English below)

Rebeca er kendt for sin viden om flamenco musik og sang, stærk forståelse af rytme, udtryk, elegance og høj fysisk evne.

Rebeca blev født ind i en international flamenco familie og startede sin dannelse i “Carmen Amaya Flamence cultural academy” i Madrid, med hendes første mester: Dolores Jiménez.

Video fra optræden:

Hun optræder her i skandinavien med lokale musikere – Desuden giver hun workshops. Video fra workshops:

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In English:

Flamenco dancer notable for her knowledge of flamenco music, strong sense of rhythm, expression and high level of physical and multidisciplinary ability.

Flamenco dancer notable for her knowledge of flamenco music and cante, strong sense of rhythm, expression, elegance and high level of physical and multidisciplinary abilities. Rebeca was born into an international flamenco family, started her formation at the “Carmen Amaya Flamenco cultural academy” in Madrid, with her first maestra, Dolores Jiménez, with whom she acquired her first notions of Flamenco Hondo and Classical Spanish Dance.

Her training continued at the world renowned “Centro de Arte Flamenco y Danza Española Amor de Dios” in Madrid , and Ú rsula and Tamara L ó pez “Flamenco Danza” school in Seville; under the mentorship of La Tati, Merche Esmeralda, El Güito, Carmela Greco, Javier Latorre, Belén Fernández, La Truco, Alejandro Granados and Miguel Cañas among others ; and studied the dance instrument s : Bata de Cola, Mantón , Bastó n and castagnets.

For 4 years she lived, performed and taught flamenco in the UK, which lead her to create, direct and choreograph the “Nottingham Flamenquitas” group, as well as collaborate in different dance styles. Currently she lives in Spain , but travels to give performances, conferences; and deliver intensive courses and workshops in the UK ; France and Denmark .

As part of the flamenco company “Teatro Flamenco La Tati”, Rebeca has performed in the new production “A mi manera” under the direction of the internationally celebrated flamenco dancer and choreographer, La Tati, at Madrid’s Conde Duque Theatre.

Her most recent soloist work has been with the embassador international travelling flamenco guitarist, Ricardo García at the C-venue T heatre s as part of the 2016 Edinburgh Fringe Festival. Appearing as the soloist flamenco dancer, she was part of three productions: “Flamenco Global Connect”, which received prestigious reviews ; “Flamenco Escocia”, and “Flamenco for Kids” which was announced and televised as one of the three best kids shows of this year’s Edinburgh Fringe Festival.